Tuesday, 4 September 2012

31 day fat loss cure - Exercise for older people

Older Group is not a homogeneous group, and it is of course just as diverse as annat group. It is no law of nature att a 80-year-old performer worse than a 67 - year-old.

than a third of all older people are active in sports, and especially the younger part of the older group.

When older delta in sport, har work on the same Principles as all andre groups taking into account the flaws har suffered through life. It is important for the elderly two relat til physical effect som desired by training. In particular, it betragtet om body needs cardio, som kan having a good effect on Any excess weight, and two back grad there is a need for strength forhindre falls.

When you choose two exercise as a supportive factor in your indsats mucus you, do you understand how your level of fitness is. If in doubt, contact your doctor and get a health check, so you-can-get-to-know if there is something you just have two be careful. Good rådgivning and guidance on training kan get by henvendelse a Physiotherapist for example, a nursing home or in a gym.

, It is in general a good idea to listen to your body, so you take responsibility for how much training you-can tolerate.

Are you completely untrained, start slowly and with a small beløb of training. It is a good idea to start adding physical activity into everyday life, so you gradvist change your habits towards more exercise.

Kan for example be two take the elevator up and down stairs.

two take a detour när you go shopping.

dancing to a piece of music from the radio.

if you take the bus, get off a few stops before and walk the remaining distance.

After a few weeks training volume is ökat and be more demanding, but do it gradvist so you do not lose courage.

Be aware at mange kommuner are doing exercise for the elderly, and there are også pensions Association att make exercise aktiviteter ulike kinds. How ofte you exercise, of course Tailored to your specific opportunities. It is ideal to train / be Physically active 1 hour a day, but must people choose to train 2-3 times a week. Training kan simply be supplemented with getting a little more exercise into sin daily lives.

Exercise as a positive factor for falls prevention

Many older people find att they get into a vicious cycle of inactivity. From 70 years of age two lack of regular maintenance training cause the body very snabbt lose much of sin muscle. When the body's large muscles around the thighs and hips bli weaker, ordinary everyday aktiviteter som climbing stairs and shopping besværligt. The older person ska spend a large part of sine energy just to transport his body around. Thus the surplus two carry a heavy bag of groceries or two RESPOND snabbt if a person is going to push, noticeable deterioration. Fall Accidents ofte occur in this age group, and women særlig are at risk of fractures due two osteoporosis. In the end, the unpleasant and unsafe erfaringer make som person no longer dare two venture among others. This in turn ska lead til exercised less, the Body Becomes even worse acting, og at risk of falling even in egne homes ökat.

Physical activities include muscle styrke element kan Greatly help two reduced the risk of falls. Strength training ska særlig syftar two stimulere the legs big muscles, and you ska generelt work with relativt heavy resistance.

Strength kan nemt performer the exercise equipment att you find in Gyms and Eventually in many older center's training section. An exercise machine is a good tool for the untrained, fordi you-can-performing the exercises seated, and in this way are not Brought demonstrated significantly krav for balance and coordination. In other words, in the machine solely concentrate on lifting as heavy muligt and dermed effektivt öka muscle strength. If you do not want to work out in the gym or do not have the exercise equipment available, strength training is nemt done with the paraphernalia you have that home.

Strength is not nødvendigvis fun and exciting, but ska seen as a nødvendige action forhindre and correct Any defects in the musculoskeletal system. Many fitness centers have the strength team Specifically for older people hvor social element også given high priority. If you have the groove tried two strength train, it kan very highly recommended to ask a kompetent instructor or Physiotherapist guide you, botheration in terms of exercises and motivation.

Communities of muscle styrke exercise er at you ska performers exercises with enough force two exercise kan only be repeated 8-10 times before you have two break. In this way Stimulating muscles maximum and most efficient. After this you take 2-3 minute break elsewhere you can walk around, relax or drink a sip of water. The breaks ska used two make the body so fresh det kan again-performing the same exercise 8-10 times.

Strength training is a very effektiv form of exercise, and many untrained experience it very Motivating att in just 2-3 weeks of training ska få demonstrated significantly improvements att make som in the beginning almost from hour two hours kan lift Heavier weights than the last. This is due partly two snabbt learn the technique behind the lifts, and dels at the body's nerves att send signals back and forth mellom brain and muscles very snabbt Becomes better two build large muscle power. This is an incredibly important feature forbedre relative two decrease risk. Coming out of balance and is about to fall, you need kunne REACT snabbt and activate the major muscle forces.

Exercise as a positive factor in weight loss

Physical activity skapar Energy og kan Thereby full two reduced weight. It is important two Decide two færre consume calories and put calorie burning up in order to burn the depots, you allerede garden.

This is where exercise comes into the picture. Through exercise ökat calorie consumption, and kan help to get an obese person som fallen into a vicious circle of low activity, Decreased energy, and dermed tends øge weight, to get into the virtuous circle, hvor højere activity Causes en stigning in energy consumption and Hence weight loss - Provided of course att energy intake is the same.

, The physical problems, overweight provide, kan exercise a great grad full two reduced or förebygga. There is evidence att exercise hindrer calcification and dermed cardiovascular disease. The same goes for high blood pressure, age, diabetes and genes around the joints and muscles.

The great benefit of the exercise is to get a better konditon (Greater oxygen uptake per. Kg bw. Unit of time). This ska giving you the strength two become a more active person. You Can Come to flere things fordi aktiviteter before field stressful, now blir nemmere two performers.

Another important benefit is att you get a more efficient body, der overpowers the things you want to do on a daily basis. This kan bidra a more positive self-image and højere quality of life, as it giver an opportunity two delta in social life and be self-Reliant in egne homes.

A more recent theory is att inactivity skapar the aging process, while activity decreases the rate of aging.

It ska också nämnde att studies having shown att exercise påverkar appetite regulation in a positive direction. But it is important two realiseringen att exercise alone as actual diet er long delays.

It derfor requires att one is motivated gennemføre sina level and is willing at lade action is required of hours. If the target is a demonstrated significantly weight loss, it is recommended two combine exercise with a diet att Reduces caloric intake markant.

Training types and beløb of training

When you choose two proceed with a more targeted training, it is important to find an exercise you like. Exercise ska ideally be gennemføres by desire. If you can use some of the exercise offers available in your area, you have the mulighed exercise with others, what in itself can be fun and inspiring.

You do not work with very high pulse power two of training. A moderate pace att feels slightly tiring and makes you breathless, ice Appropriate. The rule of thumb is att du ska just kunne hold a conversation with little Difficulty - there ska only be surplus two short Sentences. Generally speaking, the longer go into the individual training you get, the more your body goes over two fat burning. It's the same reason a good idea two put training before a meal.

Inspiration for training in everyday life

for the people who kan straks get started with exercise or sports activity som swimming, walking, gymnastics and the like, there are many opportunities to find clubs att victim training. Many aktiviteter kan også done on your own. Or you-can try to find exercise friends so that together you-can go to visit the senior dance, swimming, golf, bowling, darts and badminton. Remember att all movement is exercise and a beginning may be two admit more movement into your daily life. Start with one or more of disse ideas or find sig to some:

Once in your own home ice training

When you set the table so go many times to get things to a time

Stand and its ofte

Create a seated or bedridden gymnastics program daily

Exercises att work nødvendige preventive and restorative for the leg muscles

Explosive squats:

Get up to the front, for example a kitchen.

Go slow down in a squatting position. Stop your knees da da an angle of 90-100 degrees.

Turnover as soon muligt back to sitt upright position.

Repeat 6-8 times. Then hold down a break at 2-3 minutes and then make again 6-8 repetition. In case you experience discomfort som Dizziness ska points 3 opført more slowly.

Stairway with big steps:

Stand at the foot of a staircase.

Go up the stairs with som long steps muligt.

Make 3-4 steps, stop, and go back down to normal step.

Keep a 2-minute break and get back 3-4 striding up.

Feel free to use the Banister two keep balance.

Seated exercise program for untrained older

Sit on a sturdy dining chair, move forward on the seat so kan her with your back straight with no back support. Stretch a little before you get started.

"Go" on the ground - lift your legs Alternately and stomp the floor, while you are with your arms slightly bent doing Vigorous arm pull backward-forward.

Sidebøjninger - his with legs apart and bend your body right down to the side and tilt the sometimes-repeat on opposite side.

Stand up and sit down - try not to-use arm - gradvist the number up.

Set Alternately one och andra leg up on the chair seat - team eventuelt. in the backrest for a start.

Body Twist Inger - his with legs apart and twist the body from side to side.

Go around your chair - sit down once in a while and then take a few more. Go botheration ways around

It is a good idea to do exercises two some music you like. To "Go on site" you can put in between övriga exercises gradvist as you get energy two IT. Remember you vill come to breathe. The exercises repeated 6-10 times.

Landscape program for untrained older.

Lie on your back (on the floor, on a blanket or bed)

Start by heating up a bit (tilt with fingers and toes, bend and stretch the feet, legs and arms. Stretch you so att du blir long).

Now working to get from one position two another. It's good exercise and helps bevare some features you need for life.

Come from supine och på side and further on til stomach, the same way back. Do the same in the opposite direction.

Come up and sit down on his back again.

Lie on your back and pull your legs up in you and lift than up to the ceiling.

Lie on your stomach and got up on all fours and up to standing and back down.

The exercises repeated several times.

Remember you from being out of breath.

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