Tuesday, 11 September 2012

truth about cellulite - sugar is added

Abomination pads are less visible on a dark, suntanned skin. But instead of excessive exposure to harmful sun rays, opt instead for a healthier version - self-tanners, experts advise. Would you still seriously tackle the cellulite, the fight is the most important move unencumbered. Instead of a daily detailed analysis of skin thighs and abdomen, concentrate on the small, but long-term changes in habits, which will show visible results. Cellulite is najmrskiji enemy female figures, and in spite of the wealth, it's hard to deal with, and stars. 

But that does not mean that the audience sensual Beyoncé frantically hiding their seductive curves, or that famous model, like Kate Moss and Mischa Barton, the visible cellulite give up wearing "hot pants." Change in the head will result in a change in the body, experts say. Therefore, to begin with nature walk while enjoying juicy green apple.

Sunbathing can be quite prominent cellulite, experts warn. After just four minutes of exposure to bright summer sun, collagen and elastin skin fibers begin to deteriorate, causing the skin thins and cellulite becomes more visible.

Pectin in apples fight against cholesterol

Apple contains water, vitamins, minerals and fiber, which regulate digestion, and strengthen and excretion of urine. Pectin in apples is easily soluble in water, and swellable plug, "trapped" molecules ga eliminating cholesterol from the body.

The worst enemy of the sugar

Besides being fattening, sugar will harden collagen and collagen fibers appear to suppress the skin's surface. Fat becomes even more apparent. In addition, sugar slows circulation. That is why sugary foods best avoided.

The day starts 'citrus awakening'

Without water there is no cellulite. It is good to drink at least a liter of water and some herbal teas every day. Dan is best to start downing glasses of warm water to which you add fresh squeezed lemon juice.

Combined shower for better circulation

Besides the "citrus" awakening, experts recommend early morning cold-hot shower. Such a combined shower Schussing stimulate circulation and accelerate the flow of lymph, explain.

Aromatherapy for smooth skin

House massage with essential oils of grapefruit, black pepper and juniper will encourage the elimination of toxins from the body. Sage and rosemary oil will accelerate the circulation, and cypress oil works strongly against fluid retention.

Cellulite - ok, but I still sing

Pretty Beyoncé is not ashamed of cellulite. Against him, aromatherapists advise, great works of patchouli essential oil, which reduces appetite, preventing fluid retention, tones and firms the skin

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