Tuesday, 11 September 2012

jump manual - Kiting

Kite-monster (kite) with awesome force tows you along. He is completely obedient to your will. Kitesurfing - a feeling of great excitement, energy and speed. You can use a kite (kite from angl.kite) combined with surfboard (kite surfing) or wakeboard (kiteboarding), snowboard (kite snowboarding), skiing (kite skiing), buggy (kite bagging) skate mountainboard (kite skating, kite mauntinbording), and conventional roller skates, kayak and that will tell you your imagination. Kites can be used in emergency situations at sea. In kiting, there are also special kite disciplines such as kite skuding, bodiserfing kite, kite and kite munvoking lifting. Kites virtually indestructible. Kiting is really amazing, versatile all-season type of "windy" sport of law worthy of sports XXI century!

Kites exist next to a man for many centuries ... But only in the last 50 years due to the progress in the design and the materials from which they are made, it became possible to travel by flying kites. Only in the last 25 years, thanks to the efforts of innovators, such as brothers, Peter Lynn of New Zealand, Leganyu from France and the United States of Rosler, kite became public. Recent improvements in equipment and technology operations gave rise to the appearance of the world a new and very exciting sport - kite.

For it does not need a strong wind and high waves, the equipment is compact, and any other type of water sport will not give you a chance with minimal experience as a thrill. It is difficult of course, to guess the future of kiteboarding as it is developing rapidly. Kiting as a sport is in constant motion, and improvement suggestions are coming from all sides. Large firms are beginning to look closely to this future market. Due to the enormous interest in kiting in our country is expanding range of new competitors in ascending order. Now it is difficult to talk about the future prospects of kiting. In any case, we can say that the sport promised a bright future and now - great interest. Do you dream to slide on the surface of the land or the ocean, surf the snow - kites (kites) tugs will fulfill all your fantasies.

The big advantage of a kite is that snakes are flying at a height of 10-40 meters, working on the rough border layer wind over water, while traditional equipment (such as windsurfing) works in this layer. This ensures smoothness and less vorticity air flow and greater than the wind speed at the surface by 15-20 per cent. Since the thrust extracted from the wind is proportional to the square of the speed, the kite goes to 25-70 percent more power, and all other factors affecting the movement of kiteboarding, remain the same.

Currently leading manufacturer of kites (kites) offer a "clever" design aerodynamic surface, providing position when the kite is always at the optimum angle to the wind, showing the best performance characteristics. Models are available with adjustable kites moschnostyu.Vozdushnye snakes become more manageable and safe! But remember safety should always be!

Kites quite "tricky" - and on the need to be prepared for their antics. As one wise and experienced pro - kaytrayder - "Kitesurfing - a sport for people who think and smart"


Kitesurfing - a mixture of ancient religious traditions of sport and surfing, with no less strange and ancient art of kite flying has led to the emergence of this new, exotic, extreme sports discipline.
"Kitesurfing - the coolest new sport, which appeared in the last decade. This is still a very new sport, and it has the potential to become a very big sport. Kitesurfing is easy to learn, and to enjoy it does not require a lot of wind. Kitesurfing is also close to windsurfing veykbordingu and how to surf, but, in any case, it is a mixture of many different kinds of sports!
Kitesurfing permanently ceases to amaze as he unfinished book. You wake up with the desire to go to sea as soon as possible and to make something sort of new, heroic .....

Kitesurfing - is very entertaining sport. See what the crowds gather kite surfing. But in kitesurfing importantly - it is an opportunity to rush at full speed, take off into the air when you want it, and be there as long as possible. And you want to - ride the waves, you want - veykbordovom ride in style. In kitesurfing complete absence of any restrictions. Everything here is in one package. Real kite water world. It's like riding a children's train to Disneyland, the only difference is that you change the attractions on your own. Kite kiteboard and become an extension of your body. It was as if someone gave you a pair of angel wings, and said: "And now, fly," and you fly over the sea and the waves. In general, the potential kitesurfing is not limited and not only in the technique of skiing, breathtaking stunts and the number of disciplines kite!
The sport of kite surfing involves not only an incredible opportunity to experience the joy of flying a kite, but also an opportunity to experiment with aerodynamics kites, develop and implement various innovations. In kitesurfing now there is a movement from the archaic, primitive to complex hi-tech. In this case, kite surfing as a sport has become easier, better and safer.

Kitesurfing is a kind of fundamental, the parent of the sport. It incorporates the essence of the elements. Do you feel under a full power of the ocean, you know - it is precisely there, you're touching it with his feet. The other elements - the wind, it's like love: you can not see, but feel. And another flight, the greatest dream of humanity. Kitesurfing combines these three elements. In kitesurfing huge potential. We are just beginning to distinguish it on the horizon. What can we say about kitesurfing, in addition, that it is completely engulfed us? Flying for a very powerful kite itself, exciting, but if you are at the same time more and glide over the waves to kiteboard, the feeling is almost indescribable.

If you are racing on the right wave at the kite, or picked up by a strong gust of air, it's, like, beyond time, you touch infinity. Therefore, we appeal to all of you - try kite surfing. Who knows, maybe it will change your life as it has changed our!


Currently, kiteboarding is one of the most fashionable, vibrant and progressive trends in kiting! In a paradoxical remix kiteboarding found their diamond cut most prominent religious-romantic views of extreme sports and activities! In kiteboarding includes sports such as surfing, windsurfing, snowboarding and wakeboarding, skateboarding and mauntinbording! Kite (kite) was so heavenly bridge which combines the hitherto unconnected thus allowing to create a completely different generation of the iconic sports "people wind" uniting them all one magic word kiteboarding!

Kiteboarding is really a completely new generation of paradoxical "windy sport"! No matter winter or summer, water, snow or ice, earth or sand, you can always go for a ride on the board and whether it will be a big or small wheels, whether it be snowboarding, surf or water-type twin all kiteboarding! Of course if you use them together with a kite!)

Kiteboarding absorbed a most striking features of dosochnyh sports, he was the embodiment of universal style previously unavailable in any of them! He gave it the dream of every man in the soul from the earliest times to the present day! Kiteboarding has presented sliding feeling of flight ... And the asphalt beneath us steppe plain, snow or water does not matter. Kiteboarding - is just in time to change the kite board - ;) kiteboard kiteboarding jump manual info incredibly high and long that can safely add to the word kiteboarding epithet of Heaven! Many tricks kiteboarding had inherited from windsurfing, snowboarding, wakeboarding and even skateboarding and mauntinbordinga. What allowed kiteboarding quickly absorbed the best of what was before him, and put them in his heavenly kaytbordovom style. Kiteboarding has managed to engender not only the brand new tendencies and incredible not only in its capabilities and beauty, but also possible to create a very unique school in a variety of styles with incredibly complex and diverse tricks ...

Kiteboarding, developing very quickly and if a couple of years ago it was impossible to ride the wave as it is done now classic surfers and surf this relic of consciousness belongs to the past! In Australia, riding on surf boards with kites is one of the most popular entertainment kaytbordovyh. At the competition "Mambo Merimbula Classic" in this version of kiteboarding on the beach Mambo going over 200 participants!

While reading these lines you have a question, what about the other kite, are they worse, less interesting and less worthy as kiteboarding? Of course not! Kiting - and everything that is connected with kites (kites) is amazing and fantastic - mystical action!

P.S. But kiteboarding - is kiteboarding ;)

Kaytsnoubording and kaytskiing

Great interest in kiting (skating on air snakes) in the medium skiers and snowboarders due to the possibility of using their mining equipment on a flat surface. What is very interesting in this part of Russia, where the good slopes for skiing is not too much, and fields and frozen lakes and rivers is a great place for kiting abound. Your snowboard and skiing are doing nothing? Then try to use it with a kite - the kite is all it will take you further! Incidentally, this same kite (kite) you can easily use the summer to ride on water (kite), and for riding on the ground (bagging kite, kite videos, kite skating). Here's a universal sport - kite! A kite - and such a variety of sports and activities year-round kite windy! With that, the kite (kite) takes very little space! Just a small handbag or ryukzachek!

Current models of kites (kites) will develop high speed and move against the wind, as well as having a high-lift to make the huge air jumps and perform fantastic sliding down the slope to the top. Currently, kite snowboarding and kaytskiing experiencing a real boom of wanting pouchavstvovat in these winter - windy "kite fun." Winter kite ski-snowboard kaytrayding on diversity and sensitivity easily surpasses mountain skiing, because you can easily break the laws of gravity! On the kite will not only slide down the slope, and no less quickly in the opposite direction! Making thus dizzying jumps and tricks with certain skills and abilities (of course safety in mind)! Now jumping on the air kites (kites) are similar to paragliding flights and up to several kilometers! In any case, choose the style of riding you kite! You can choose a quiet ride in style kite tourism in the spirit of easy half-hour walk to the many hours of kite, and even multi-day or monthly extreme routes kaytputeshestvy! Repeatedly skiing under kite kite travelers to reach the North Pole!

Huge opportunities in winter and kiting in freestyle, as well as stunt flying, because the kite can make very long and high jumps easily turning into flying! But to fly low or high and funny and crazy extreme your choice, as the kite is easily controlled (of course with certain skills and not forgetting the security), and you can easily control the speed, length and height of flight! In your power to make a fantastically giddy flight on a kite with rocks covered with snow in the valley a few kilometers to the bottom and it is safe for fun as a sports kite physical exercise go kiting on a frozen pond near, field or stream from your home!

Snowboarding or skiing + kite - is neither the incomparable feeling of flying slip! Winter kaytrayding (kiting) - is a sport of the new millennium!

PS If you decide to take a winter kiting and this is your first visit kaytersky gathering on a flat surface of a lake, river or the field, it is very interesting for you people will look to snowboard or ski boots and skiing! But do not ask - "But where is the mountain?" Our mountains - is a breeze!


Kaytbagging-can be called the father of all areas related to the towing kite (transportation) athlete for a kite! He has over 25 years! Skating for a kite is a specially constructed for this purpose Wheelchairs - kite buggy. This is a special three-wheeled stroller sports kite buggy in which the control is carried out by turning the front wheel down. Traction control maneuvers, set the speed and braking is carried out by changes in the position of kite (kite) in the wind window (relative to the wind), which leads to a change in traction kite (kite).

Kaytbaggingu easy to learn! Sport is very bright beautiful and interesting! Kite buggy easily and feel confident as in small spaces because this stroller is very maneuverable and can make quick turns on almost the same place as easy feeling and many kilometers of huge spaces, as it is able to reach high speeds with little or no effort on the part pilot! Kite Buggy easily moves into the wind! Kite buggy is incredibly stable as kite buggy pilot seat has a very low center of gravity is very close to the surface of the earth! This model with a low-slung one of the most popular models in the world! There are special large wheels (crossover) for driving on soft ground such as in the desert! These wheels allow the kite buggy easily swim with the athlete will overcome small water obstacles. There are also special models which can replace the wheels on skis or skates for winter fun, but these manifestations kite and did not become popular, as the snow with the kite easier to slide on skis (kite skiing) and snowboarding (kaytsnoubording) A skate better wear on your feet! still appear on European beaches ancient trimarans! This type of water arhidrevnyaya kaytbaggi when instead of three sets of wheels and managed float it in the manner of a kite buggy, driving it is the front fin that athlete runs down! Online a lot of rumors about new models trimarans, but it is just a design and rumors, but you never know! Older models of water kite buggy trimarans poorly managed and had a little speed and were driven kite! Forever or not, time will tell ...

Kite bugs are very popular in Europe and America to a wide age group! And it continues to grow in its popularity. Actively carried European and World Championships, the national championship races and high-speed races on air kites (kites)! Who among Western young adventurers in a new direction kaytbagginge movement which can be classified as a new school fristalicheskuyu kite buggy "New kaytbaggi cheeks"! Where the athlete to wear your truck performs stunt kite buggy jumping. Unfortunately, in Russia, kite surfing and more popular winter kiting and kite bagging and not stuck. But all the time! We love kite buggy! We crossed on them and in the endless sands of the Sahara desert, in the distillation zone chased by the tide on the island of Bali, at high speed scare away tourists at the Egyptian beaches, slipping in the midday haze Crimean salt lakes! If you can (if you want of course) try this method kite movement, you will simply be amazed at how bright and fantasmagorichen kaytbagging - sports a new era outstripping its shadow wind!

The rise of man on the kite (kite) is a very dangerous and serious business. When climbing a kite (kite) is attached to the front of the pilot kite (kite) by trapezoid, and behind by a trapeze rope attached that some people keep as insurance and if necessary, can quickly release .. Movement of the kite "eight" creates the necessary thrust for separation kaytraydera the ground. The most relatively "safe" kaytlifting - is when the kite pilot carries kaytlifting to kite (kite) above the surface, but in this case is difficult to guarantee complete safety kite pilot.

Many people were seriously damaged kaytliftingom engaged. There were fatalities. Better do not do it ...

Kite munvoking

Jumping with a kite (kite) on the ground (walking on the moon ;) are the most dangerous type of kiting. For jumping kite pilot uses a very large kite (kite) or very strong wind, to provide lift your body off the ground to short, and sometimes very long periods of time ;) Some of the most persistent kiters managed to get into the updrafts or hop on the hurricane-force winds ! It would not be so risky, if you could guarantee a safe landing, which would be easy to our control.

As a result many people were injured, doing kite munvokingom performing such jumps! Remember that jumping .... Take care of yourself ....

Kite skuding (Bodidragging)

Towing in the sand for the kite is very similar to the kite body surfing, just not on the water easily sliding body on the water surface, while standing on the ground on the sand and on the heels ;-))) You will need a large kite (kite), a large space and wind. Usually travel in kite skudinge is on two legs, but with certain skills and umkniyah you'll be able to plow the beaches and on the same ;-)) The kite skudinge motion is unstable and erratic, depending on how the kite pilot can retain its air kite (kite) and how constant wind. Slip a few hundred meters kite skudinge there is no difficulty with the acquisition of certain skills, experience comes with practice. To practice this kind of kite movement requires extensive sandy beach and of course the wind, preferably a strong steady breeze. It has become a very popular skiing kite boards (kiteboarding) or snowboarding on the sand for a kite (kite)! Towing on the sand with a kite (kite) is a dangerous thing, so be careful and cautious! Take care of yourself ...

Body kite surfing.

Kite surfing body is the most basic example of a kite (kite) on the water. Body for kite surfing requires a large controlled kite (kite to tow) a lot of wind and the free water surface. Kite pilot rushes through the water behind a kite (kite) by a strong wind. At the time increasing the speed of the athlete's body kite can fly above the water surface of the water. The current lift upward force, helps to keep the kite athlete balance. In order to keep the powerful serpent (kite) when it is in the center of the wind window and not lose control of it, use a loop, and eight other kite maneuvers. Kite athlete can slide on his stomach, moving in circles, jumping from wave to wave. You can overcome great distances in a very short period of time.

This species requires a strong wind (from 7 m / s or more). Kite pilot moves directly into the wind, and in order to create a redundant power for fast motion kite pilot quickly manivriruya kite can create very large acceleration. The variety of body kite surfing needs free of obstacles and barriers of long water area. Kite pilot can easily pass a few miles without fatigue.

Most kite riders use chetyrehstropnye snake. Used by the standard lines for conventional kaytaniya a kite, but it is better if the lines will be about 45 meters!. This will help you to create a super acceleration!

For security purposes, kite surfing body engaged with the wind parallel to the coastline or slightly from parallel. Surface water must when doing this variety of kiting clearly visible for all kinds of obstacles: dikes, jetties, reefs, rocks, boats, swimmers, etc. Kite surfing body in shallow water (less than 1 m) can be risky business because of the possibility of hitting the bottom of the feet. Shoes or sneakers can provide the necessary protection when doing body kite-surfing.

When doing kite surfing body make better use of the latest safety systems that exist in kiting at present that can instantly disconnects the athlete from a kite (kite), in case of danger.

Kite surfing body made merry and joyful and carefree childhood fun kite in light winds, crazy and super extreme danger when the wind speed reaches 20 m / c. We managed to set a record in kite surfing body ride on the wind of about 28 -30 m / c. And we can say with certainty that it is extremely dangerous! Helmet and a special kite rescue or better anti-shock vest use is mandatory ..

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