Wednesday, 12 September 2012

fat loss factor - lose 5 pounds of fat in 5 weeks

Even though he does not like the titles of this type, especially since 99% of the marketing ploys and lies, in this article I will show you that this is still possible. And most importantly you will be wasting the fat and not the muscle as is the case with most diets. So if you think that it is only 5 pounds and not sound like a lot of you are wrong, because 5 pounds of fat a lot. Reckon that 1kg of fat = 7500 cc cal. This means that we have to spend 7500 cal per week, or almost 1100 cal a day. It sounds a lot, but with good training and adherence to diet is all achievable.

What was the best thing is that all the training you will be able to work at home! Sounds too good to be true, right? No, we do not mean that you do workouts from the couch in front of the TV. Like I said, I'll prove you because I will give you a program for training and nutrition that helps you in the 5 weeks to get to the desired result. And feel free to realize this as an early Christmas gift for you, because these programs are usually charged a lot, but after I saw that the Croats are the thickest among the nations, I decided to help you not to spend the summer swimming in sweat.

This program can work both men and women equally. Also this program can be for beginners or experienced exercisers, it all depends who you weight and level of exercise to choose. It is also important to note that the loss depends on your current weight and it is unrealistic to expect that someone from 110 kg to 80 kg to lose, too. It also depends on genetics, gender, job, lifestyle ... etc, but the fat will, I guarantee, you lose all. Under the condition, of course, to follow everything written.

Since muscle is heavier than fat, most people when they want to lose weight, go to a child with a minimum intake of calories, mostly from 800-1200 cal, and of course to lose weight because they lose muscle at the same time (for the most part) and fats (partially). But that was not important, it's important to balance showing less every day (another great stupidity, daily weighing). And that's what they are after 30-45 days when you end up with a child, they lost back, it does not matter. And although most of it means, again, I can not resist the path of least resistance.

I guess it is in the human psyche. But for the thousandth time and take it once more: Low-calorie diets are not the solution and never will be! There is no shortcut to success!

Yes, you should reduce your calorie intake, but a little bit and start with 15-20% less than the required daily intake and not immediately reduced by 50 percent or more.

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