Tuesday, 11 September 2012

tinnitus miracle - Cause of dizziness

in mind the rumors buzzing in the ear, often accompanied by the feeling of stuffiness may be a consequence cerumenskog plugs (ear plugs fat). If the review finds that this is the cause of hissing, then it is very easy to solve - the introduction washed or cleaned instrumentally.
- However, the cause of the rumor stuffiness may be impaired function of the Eustachian horns, and even the initial phase of inflammation UVA - explains otolaryngologist Dusan Pavlovic out of the office center for hearing and balance. - If there are no changes to the otoscopic tympanic membrane, then the function of the Eustachian trumpets can check tympanometry - a diagnostic method that measures the pressure in the middle ear and mobility bubnih membranes - he adds.
Occasionally buzzing
buzzing that occasionally occurs, and the patient describes it as a slap butterfly wings, mostly the result of myoclonus (uncontrolled spasms) stapedijalnog muscle, the smallest muscle in our body, which is located in the middle ear. It's like when a patient game around, only in this case is the introduction and monitoring of audio described unpleasant sensation. Usually after a short time has passed.

pulsatile tinnitus, usually an objective sound from close range to preserve the patient can hear. If this sounds heart rhythm, then most likely the patient hears the flow of blood through a nearby blood vessel. This is seen in any of arteriovenous anastomoses in atherosclerotic plaque on nearby blood vessels, or with a vascular tumors such as glomus. A common cause of tinnitus is objective and diseased temporomandibular joint or myoclonus (uncontrolled spasms) masticatory muscles (chewing muscles). Temporomandibular joint is located on the front wall of the ear canal, which is to say in the immediate vicinity. For diseases of the joints, the patient can hear the crunch of chewing. Tinnitus in mind hiss, hum or buzz, it is usually seen in patients whose hearing loss.
Hearing impairment
Hearing loss occurs with age, a very important factor in the environment that adversely affects the hearing the noise. The degree of hearing loss is determined by audiometry. In some patients, hearing loss can occur due to the application ototoksičnih drugs (drugs that act detrimental to the cells of the inner ear). Also some head injuries can damage the inner ear, which is manifested decline hearing and buzzing. However, the most dangerous cause of buzzing in the ear, which is almost always a unilateral acoustic tumor. This is a benign tumor of the auditory nerve that, if at the time of the diagnosis can successfully operate. Therefore, the ENT always particularly careful when they represent patients with unilateral buzzing and how audiometrijskog after basic tests there is the slightest suspicion of this tumor, the patient will be sent to do an MRI of the head.
important to mention that in addition to the above mentioned, the causes of tinnitus can be and many others, so it is vital that anyone who has this problem visit an ENT specialist for examination in order to determine the specific cause, and then began treatment. Because they are often able to achieve much better results in the treatment of early stage disease.
Acoustic trauma
buzzing in the ear often occurs after discos, concert, or after hunting or shooting at a firing range. In most cases, this buzz is mild and usually goes away after a few hours, the longest morning. It is a transient acoustic trauma and just need a few hours to the hearing cells metabolically recovered. However, even if the buzz does not stop the next day, especially if it is accompanied by feeling of congestion and reduced hearing in the same reserve requirements, it is necessary that you first seek professional help - Dr Dusan Pavlovic. Buzz that lasts longer than 24 hours, and the result is an acute acoustic trauma, mostly the result of permanent damage to the auditory cells. At this stage, it is still not lost and medicines can help auditory cells to recover, however, after seven days or more, hearing damage cells are no longer reversible and then buzz becomes your lifelong companion.

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