Tuesday, 11 September 2012

diet solution program - Diet - Savate

Diet Tip No. 1: Drink plenty of water or calorie-free drinks

In the brain, the centers for hunger and thirst are situated next to each other. Therefore, it is easy to confuse the need for water, the need for food. When the smallest of sense for the food, drink a glass or two of water. If you still feel the need for food, be sure to eat something.

Diet Tip 2: Instead of thinking what to remove from your diet, consider what would she be able to add

Thinking about the food you wish to remove from ishrene, you literally create a desire for it, because your attention is focused on just that food. Instead, focus attention on those foods that will enhance your weight loss program.

Drink a glass or two of water before you put something in your mouth. If the water does not meet your needs, do not overeat, but you choose to moderate sized meal.

Diet Tip 4: Carefully choose snacks before bedtime

If you need something biting at bedtime, choose a low-calorie snacks. A piece of cheese or small pieces of fruit are great ideas.

Diet Tip 5: Enjoy your favorite foods

Instead of fully eject your favorite foods, underpay porpicu. If you really enjoy a very caloric foods (fatty, sweet ...), we could determine that one day a week when you eat only what you want while on other days to take care of what you eat.

Diet Tip 6: Enjoy the sweets when you are not at home

Instead of holding sweets at home, where you non-stop available, eat them outside. Of course, if this is not a day of the week when you can eat whatever you want, be moderate.

Diet Tip 7: Keep 7 meals a day

If you eat less calories than the body burns, you will definitely weaken. But, if you are a non-stop hungry, you will hardly be able to eat less.

If you eat smaller portions more often, your body throughout the day will have enough energijei therefore you will not overeat. Smaller, more frequent meals is accelerating metabolism and thus burn more fat.

Diet Tip 8: Enter a protein with every orbokom

Proteins give greater satiety than carbohydrates and fats. Contribute not only to feel satiety, proteins maintain muscle mass and speed up metabolism. If you practice the TECK physical activities or sports, the recommended intake of 1 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. Otherwise, 1.5 g to 2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight should be taken daily. Healthy proteins can be found in yogurt, cheese, nuts, eggs, legumes ... Herbalife protein powder is a great way to further ensure adequate protein intake.

Diet Tip 9: Spice Food

Add spices or low-fat sauces to your meals to satisfy your sense of taste, and to be careful not overeat.

Diet Tip 10: Equip your kitchen with healthy food that are quickly prepared or semi-prepared

Handy if you have a healthy food that is quickly prepared, you will be much easier to pay attention to proper nutrition. These foods may imply that frozen fruits and vegetables, fat-free popcorn, Canned foods (tuna, pineapple, beans), half cooked rice ...

Diet Tip 11: Shout lower portion

If you eat at a restaurant, sent a small portion (a small pizza, small sandwich) or a greater portion to share with friends and family

Diet Tip 12: Find a replacement for pasta and bread

Instead of eating pasta and / or bread, choose a portion of fruit or rice

Diet Tip 13: To cope with stress, find something that has nothing to do with food

Instead of laying out the food you find your stress, you are to another activity. Reading, biking, hitting the sack, lifting weights, running, arranging gardens and such are certainly better options.

Diet Tip 14: Be physically active

Take up a sport or regularly praktikujte penjaje fast walking or stairs.

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