Tuesday, 4 September 2012

fibroid miracle - Chances of Miscarriage

During pregnancy, it is normal for a growing fear of losing your little baby inside you. This fear is why it was not for bleeding or whenever you go to the bathroom. This is a perfectly normal reaction and common, especially for women who have had miscarriages. However, do not worry because every spot of blood or abdominal cramps is not a sign. Even women with healthy pregnancies to experience light bleeding, bleeding is called implantation in early pregnancy. It is with a baby implanted in the blood vessel-rich uterine lining, causing potential stains observed in some women. Let us learn more about the chances of miscarriage and the action necessary to prevent a miscarriage.

All pregnant women are afraid of a miscarriage. The odds depend on the age of the mother to some extent. Women of childbearing age standard of 18 to 35, from 10 to 25 percent risk. Women aged between 35 and 45 have 20 to 35 percent chance. The chances might go up to 50 percent if a woman aged 46 and over. May, however, there are certainly many other factors to increase opportunities and reduces the chance of having a pregnancy to term.


A chromosomal abnormality is the most common cause in the first quarter. This anomaly means that there is something inside the baby's chromosomes, which is not the way it should and will be based on the developing baby even impossible. Miscarriages that occur during the third quarter were primarily due to an illness of the mother, rather than any genetic defects in babies. Women with poorly controlled diabetes are at greater risk.

Raise other diseases and conditions such as hypertension, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and certain infections such as rubella (German measles), herpes simplex, and chlamydia, can the risk of miscarriage. If there is a problem in the uterus or cervix, then the chances of miscarriage are higher. Fibroids or cancerous growths of the uterine muscle can be made on the causes. A weak cervix widens too early in pregnancy, with no signs of labor, the liberation of the fetus from the uterus can also cause miscarriage. Other things that can lead to miscarriage are:
• Fever over 100 ° F
• Multiple pregnancy
• Stress and Trauma in pregnancy
• Drugs, smoking, excessive caffeine consumption
• Poor diet
• Exposure to toxic chemicals or radiation
• hormonal imbalance
• incorrect implantation of the egg
• problem in the uterus or cervix
Ways to reduce the chances

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